Sunday, January 28, 2007

Defying Stereotypes

Most of you guys have figured out by now that one of my pet peeves is stereotyping. I can't stand it. It confines people to this little tiny box where they don't belong. One of the reasons I can't stand it is it happens to me more times than I care to count. Think about how many times a day you stereotype people. 'Well that's just cause you're a college kid." "That's just cause you're a pastor's kid." "That's just cause you're female." My personal favorite, "That's just cause you go to a Christian college." How many times in the course of a day have you said something like that?
You may not believe it, but it's hurtful. I get extremely annoyed when people put me into a box. I realize this happens everyday and so I try deal with it and move on with life. However, there are a few stereotypes that really get me. Like the Christian college stereotype. Yes, I go to a Christian college, and I AM PROUD OF IT!! If you have a problem with that take it up with someone else.
What irritates me about being put in the Christian college box is that it makes me feel like I have to apologize for where I go to school. It's gotten to the point where I'm almost ashamed to tell people I go to a Christian college cause they look at me like "you're one of those . . ." I have news for you, I'm not one of those. I am a Christian yes, and I am proud of that, but furthermore I am Christian and I am HUMAN!!
Just because I go to a Christian college doesn't mean I don't make mistakes, trust me I make them, oh how I make them. Along the same score just because it's a Christian college doesn't make them perfect. Christian colleges have problems too.
I try very hard to not stay within the Corban bubble. By that I mean, live on campus, work on campus, eat on campus, sleep on campus etc. Once a week I go to OSU to go dancing, the reason for that is first of all I love to dance, but more importantly it gets me off campus and around non-Christians. People who will actually make me use my brain and make me back up what I believe. I also work off campus, I work in a library at an elementary school. Each of these things provides me with an opportunity to see another part of the world. The non-Corban side of the world.
I may be a Corban student yes, but I am not whatever stereotype you think I am. More importantly, I do not try to condemn you for going to a secular university. I may get in your face about whether or not you're involved in a bible study, but I will not condemn you for not going to a Christian college. So why should you condemn me for going to one? Remember, Christ said judge not lest you be judged. Don't judge me because I go to a Christian college, I'm tired of it. Besides, is there really such a thing as stereotypical?


D. G. D. Davidson said...

Oh, man. All you Christian college people are so defensive. Nyah, I'm just kidding.

Unknown said...

Interesting point that I think should be argued, but I'm not going to go there right now. My beef with this post is I'm fairly certain you just took scripture out of context, which I must say I'm surprised by. Also, I'd be careful how you're using the word "condemn." I think it's more powerful than you're intending, and if you are intending it that way, then I don't think you've thought through what you're saying.