Tuesday, September 25, 2007


There's an event on campus that frustrates a small contingency people. The event is titled Nerd Day, it irritates/frustrates a few of us because it is supposedly representative of the small but outspoken contingency of those of us who call ourselves nerds. What it amounts to is that we feel the day makes fun of us those of us who are in fact nerds. Now the people who participate in this day would I think be mortified if they knew they had offended anyone because while their heart is in the right place the problem is they have not stopped to think twice about the people they may possibly offend. While their intentions are good it is quite obvious they really don't know anything about the group they are supposedly representing and in essence they are making fun of those of who are nerds. So where am I really going with this? There is another group of people who do something quite similar. A few people on campus have taken it upon themselves to make fun of a group of people of which they really don't know anything about. I am referring to gay people. There are few people I know who sit around and make fun of gay people. This bothers me because I know people who are gay, they are nothing like the people who make fun of them think they are. Fact of the matter is, they are people just like you and me. Simply because we claim to be Christians does not give us the right to sit and judge them or to make fun of them because they are different. Do you suppose that during the holocaust Germans sat around and made fun of the Jews? Or during the race riots do you suppose white people sat around and made fun of the blacks? In both cases it was a case of the majority making fun of a minority simply because they were different. Fact of the matter is, they are people too. Just because we might be German, White, or Straight while someone else is not does not give us the right to sit around make fun of these people. This is what people like to call bigotry and unfortunately Christianity is full of it, it is for this reason that I am hesitant to even call myself a Christian because there are so many things like this throughout history that have given Christians a bad name. Would it not be better to make an attempt to understand the culture of those who are different rather than to sit and make fun of them or to condemn them? Because quite honestly if we sit and make fun of those who are different from us it is in a sense a kind of condemning. By making fun of those who are different we in fact condemn them and make their differences blatantly obvious and thereby condemn them because they are in fact different. I would ask you then, think twice before you make fun of a group of people, or an individual simply because they are different, because someday that could be you.

1 comment:

Emmanuel Goldstein said...

I completely agree with this. I came to the same conclusion a while ago about not condemning others. I think this was very well-written and I am glad to see someone who agrees with my views and that your views are in fact, Biblical. Thanks for a good read!